Saturday, February 27, 2010

Following up on Pseudonoma's "definition" of space, Sebastian has declared the conversation on space both over and not over. I do not know whether my contribution will fit in the space afforded by the interval between these two possibilities, nor whether I will even be able to produce this contribution, but let me just get my foot in the door with an aphorism, and may it come to me how I may amplify it tomorrow:

Space is the grant by which logic, not to say first becomes logical, but rather makes this "first" which belongs inalienably to its logicality into a gift.

1 comment:

  1. One thing (in addition to the comments and post that I have recently added at Seynsgeschichte) I would put forth in the midst of 'the aphorism amplification" process would be a reassessment of the parameters addressed by this aphorism. In other words, why should logicality or the logic which it informs which belongs to only one side of the Doctrine of Elements, find a privileged role of participation?
